MAD-VF also known as Fabio Cecchini is an independent developer (I.T. Consultant)

Does MAD-VF collect any personal information?

for Smash The Synth MAD-VF does not collect any personal data from the user

How to contact MAD-VF

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact me

Fabio Cecchini

  Technician Teacher Designer Developer
  I.T.  Consulting - Server Mobile App Desktop VR Game

  IE office:     +353 (0)12549636
  UK office:   +44  (0)2081237348
  IT office:     +39  3283662677
  whatsapp:  +39  3290777222


  skype (generic or call):             biosky-real
  skype (lesson or help desk):
